Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another Work in Progress

A drawing I am (still) working on.  It's seems like it's been a never ending fight with this one.  I've been working on it off an on since Christmas.  It's from Diana Wynne Jones' book "Howl's Moving Castle".  There is also a movie out there by Studio Ghibli which I love just as much as I love the book (they're different you really can't compare the two). 

I did the initial sketch on tracing paper, trying to get the perspective right, then I scanned everything into Photoshop and I've been "inking" it digitally.  I'm going to experiment with a coloring process/style - we'll see how it goes.  I keep changing my mind as to what Sophie (the girl) is going to be wearing.

I am still working on the others, but this one's been bothering me for months.  I've been actively avoiding it and I decided that it was just time to grab the proverbial bull by the horns and "get 'er dun".

So yeah.  My goal is the end of the week.  I also have a bazillion costumes to make, too for this.  Ish.


Lindsay Ann said...

GAH! I am so in love with this.

The Art of Kim Kincaid said...

I think you have a wonderful start here, Sara. You've captured the emotional connection between Sophie and Howl and her expression is lovely. Ack! Perspective! The bane of the illustrating world. Good luck with that. It's been awhile since watching the movie but it is one of my favorites. I wish you the best with the costumes too.

Unknown said...

I am a cat - I'm glad you like it!

Ms. Kincaid - Thanks so much! I really enjoy your blog and it's an honor to have you taking a peak at mine!

Have a great week both of you!

illustrator courses said...

Such a wonderful blog it is. The way you have illustrated the above image is really commendable. I really love the emotion between Sophie and Howl. You are doing a great job. Thanks for sharing.