Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some More Sketches


Anonymous said...

Lovely drawings.

The Art of Kim Kincaid said...

Wonderful sketches, Sara. I'm so excited to hear you are going to one of Tara's workshops. Iain McCaig is an incredible teacher.
The Pyrdain Chronicles is one of my favorite series. Please share all your work, okay?
Have you ever seen Justin Kunz's illustrations from the books? http://www.elfwood.com/~justinkunz/Fflewddur-Fflam.2876562.html He's done a number of the main characters.

Unknown said...

Mr Grau - thank you very much!

Ms Kincaid - Thank you, I am very excited, and nervous, about the workshop. I will certainly keep everyone updated with my adventures on the Pacific coast! And yes! I stumbled upon Justin Kunz on my never-ending search for reference. Fflewddur is one of my favorites.

Again, thank you both for taking a look and you lovely comments! Have a great week.