Friday, November 9, 2012

Bendigedig and a Website

I don't know if you knew this, but I'm horrible with technology.  Like, really bad.  It's why I have Macs as my brothers would tell you.  

So just bear with me as I gush and say that I figured out how to set up this blog under my personal domain!  I feel so cool right now, guys.

So, now if you go to, it redirects you here - Ha!  How awesome is that?
And yes, Marcus, I can hear you and your super-computer laughing at me.

So if you're curious, here's how you do it:

First you have to have a domain name (mine's with, obviously.  After you have one, you go here, which is kind of a step by step outline of what you need to do.  Blogger has something set up with GoDaddy which is supposed to make it really easy (but don't believe them, IT'S NOT).  You go through, tick a few boxes and if you have a domain through GoDaddy, you're supposedly done!  But then you still have to go and do everything that people without GoDaddy have to do, so, I'm not quite sure what the point of all that was.  

First you have to got to your DNS Manager.  It took me a couple days to figure out how to do that.  

Don't judge me.

On GoDaddy, open up your account manager and under the products tab, click the launch button next to the domain option.  Click on the domain you want to link to your blog (if you have more than one) and that's gonna open a page with a whole bunch of text and cyber jargon.  You're looking for the DNS Manager (which on mine was located close to the middle/bottom of the page between "Nameservers" and "TLD Specific" and no, I have no idea what those are).  Under DNS Manager, there's going to be more cyber jargon and "@" and stuff, but at the very bottom there's going to be another "launch" link.  Click that.  

Now you should be in some kind of zone file editor or something.  No I do not know what that is.  Go down to the "CNAME (Alias)" box/table and you'll see three columns "Host", "Points To" and "TTL".  Find the host "www" that points to "" and tick that box. Then, you're gonna have to click that quick add button at the bottom and paste what ever mumbo-jumbo Blogger spit up when it told you there was a problem with linking your blog to the domain name.  Then save it.  Make sure those two boxes are ticked and log out.  Supposedly it takes a while, but I was able to open everything up right away, which is how I figure out it worked!  

Don't judge me.  

So now links here!  I decided to do this because the holding site I had up with GoDaddy while I try and put my real one together was an embarrassment.  So I found Dan dos Santo's blog article from Muddy Colors and threw together my new gallery page (it really only took like, 10 minutes, for real).  Let me know what you think.  The great thing about it is that I can really easily add or delete pieces and by changing the post date I can decide where on the list the pieces fall.  Easy. Neat. Bendigedig.  

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